Sunday, October 26, 2008

What's YOUR zombie plan?

Everyone has one. All you have to do is walk up to someone and ask, "What's your zombie plan?" And they know. What would you do if zombies attacked? Me? I'd run screaming and then get eaten along the way. I don't run very fast.

This World Event for the upcoming Expansion is crazy. At first i had lots of fun with it. I joined a couple of raids and zombified anyone who wanted and reeked havoc upon non-quest giving NPCs. I am out for fun but not to ruin the fun of others.

Today was a bit frustrating but I'll not QQ here about it. There are enough people complaining. I think this is a fun event. It fits perfectly with the Hallow's End holiday. Good Job Blizzard!

Orgrimmar out of all the Horde cities was hit the hardest I believe. At least on my realm. It is a veritable ghost town.

I don't think the residents of Orgrimmar had a very good Zombie Survival Plan.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Stormwind Invasion!

Okay, so not so much an invasion as a body hop fest for me and two of my guildmates Tuesday night. I made a post about it yesterday but Blogger decided to be stupid and not allow me to actually post.

It started out with a random person I was grouped with asking to run Stockades for the Achievement. I immediately jumped at the chance being the Achievement Whore that I am. However, that person bailed out and I was left still wanting to run into the Alliance capitol city. So I asked my guild. Three joined up with me. Yes, there were only four of us. And we were all under 60. Nice. The fourth amigo went offline at one point so we did it with only three of us. Woo!

There was a lot of dying and a lot of laughter. Why not? It was so incredibly crazy of us to storm Stormwind without a full party much less a full raid. And under 70? Madness! It was awesome. It's the crazy memories like these that is so excellent and make this game so worthwhile to me. Blahblah sentimental blabber. But it is. It's these goofy things that keep me playing. I am far too casual to be Hardcore and Serious all the time. Moar funeez plz kthxbai!

We made it into Stormwind and past all the guards and through the Trade district. But I had made an error in judgement and we ended up on the wrong side from the instance! Oops. So I took a moment to dance before I died and while waiting for my mates to run to their corpses. While dancing I was surrounded by Night Elves. Those crazy Elves! One of them decided to stealth right in front of me and then stab me in the back. What a party pooper!

But finally, after dying about a hundred times we made it! We rushed the instance and I was killed immediately. I'm squishier than my mates even when we're all naked but for our tabards! We ran the instance finally and got our achievements!

It was truly one of the best nights I've ever had in-game. Truly Epic Fun!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

New name and ramblings

I admit I was rather hasty in my decision to make a blog. I didn't really like the name so I changed it. Twice. Now it's "pewpewbang." I am sure there is another blog out there with the title but that's what I'm naming this humble little one. I named it so because I play mainly casters/DPS and thought it appropriate for my game style.

So here we are barely a week in existence and already changing names. I am so impetuous.

Hopefully this name will stick. >.>

My little warlock is now level 48! I have a goal of level 55 before the expansion. I know, lame, but in order to actually succeed in leveling this time around I need to set myself small goals. Level 70 by expansion is overwhelming and would only dishearten me. I'd skip off to another alt in two seconds flat and skip to another and another and never get anywhere. I did that for far too long. I relish in my self-imposed title of Lowbie Queen but I don't want to stay perpetually under 70/80. Besides, I definitely want to roll a Death Knight on my server and I need to have at least one level 55. So there we go. Two birds, one stone.

I had a horrible experience in Sunken Temple the other day. The group started out fine. I was a little leery of the healer because she(I say she because it was a female toon) introduced herself as being a "l33t gamer" and how oh so awesome her gaming skills were. Okay? I don't care let's just get started. We finally do and we roam around killing everything.

We get to the part where we have to click on each statue in order to summon the boss in a certain order. The tank leads us to two statues. After the second one he tells me to stay and the rest to go with him to kill everything else. Uhm, why? He never did give me a real answer. Everyone else was disagreeing with his decision. But by the time they had spoken up they were off somewhere and I was too afraid of running into a group of elites to run after them. Besides, I have a HORRIBLE sense of direction when playing games. I got lot on the maps in the original Halo if that tells you anything.

I notice all the loot they are picking up, I'm not getting the XP NOR any of the drops. I usually pass on greens unless they would benefit me. I'm decked out in blue instance gear and my tailored items, so not much is an upgrade. A pair of green shoulders drop. The healer gets them. I wasn't irritated that the healer got them so much as that I hadn't even had the chance to roll fairly for them. I know she was after upgrade items so I didn't pitch a bitch about it. I was irritated to be ordered to stay behind missing out on rolls, XP and the cash. I know I could have amended the situation by running off to find them despite the fact that I would have gotten lost or found myself very dead. After the shoulders dropped I left party and hearthed. The healer messaged me and I explained why I left, "You guys obviously don't need my DPS so I'm gone. Have fun." She invited me back but saw that I had already hearthed. Oh well.

I would really like to know what the hell was in that tank's mind to leave me behind. I had only broken aggro once the shaman we were with had broken aggro several times. I don't know if that was a motivation or what. I kept the healer alive but pulling aggro off her when she over-healed. I am self-sufficient as a lock with healthstones and lifetap and I have my little bubble PvP trinket if I get into hairy situations. I know to run to the tank if things get out of hand. I may not have a 70 like everyone else but I try not to show my inexperience. I try not to be a twit. But apparently that's not good enough for some.

Better news: I love my guild. We're not particularly active but when we are we're a fun bunch. I hope things get more interesting and active because I'd love to organize runs into the lower dungeons wearing nothing but costumes or weird gear. I like these people. I just wish they would show up/talk more. :P

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Zombie Invasion 2008!

"Mark your calendars!! On Thursday Oct 30th at 8pm server time (EST) on Shandris-US Grumble hosting the second annual Zombie Invasion. Note it will be the day BEFORE Halloween."

You can find more information over here.

I love events like this! I am just incredibly sad that it is on a night I have to work and at a time that is too late for me to participate for more than a few minutes. Curses to you night shift, curses!

There was a Running of the Bulls event on my server on the last day of Brewfest. I did not participate because I was not aware of it happening.

One day! One day I will have the oppurtunity to roll a level 1 and run around like a mad person with everyone else! One day!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Enjoying the New Stuff and Hallow's End

I gave Toie a makeover. I was reluctant to change anything about her because I loved the way she looked but the temptation and the Achievement was too strong!

These Achievements are thrilling. I have an excuse to explore every inch of the maps that I possibly can. I always wanted to do so but never had a real reason to follow through. But now I do. Rhymes! So I have been wandering around scared out of my wits of the Alliance territories and running away for dear life at almost every town border. It does not help that I am on a PvP server. :P I think that only adds a sense of excitement to the whole World Explorer Achievement.

I am extremely excited about the runs into the Classic Raids. I am not yet 60 but I hope to be before the expansion so hopefully I will be able to do some. Does anyone else ever have a sense of being TOO far behind? It goes with the whole bouncing from alt to alt to server to server thing. Not that I regret my happy lowbie times but now I'm ready to catch up! It's so hard. And I get so much crap for being a lowbie. Leave us alone, even you started out low at one point. :P

Hallow's End has begun! I am loving it so far. Halloween is my favorite holiday and I was very eager for this year's Hallow's End event. Toie is running around with a tree frog and a witch costume.

I was able to jump into it as soon as it started on my server. How lucky I am my night off from work was the night this event started! I have been flying from inn to inn trying to finish Tricks and Treats of Eastern Kingdoms. I am extremely upset that I won't be able to finish that side because one of the inns is in Eastern Plaguelands. I suppose I will have to find an escort somewhere. lol Kalimdor is harder for me personally as I haven't spent as much time on that continent.

I suggest, for those who are lowbies like me and don't have many connections or a 70 already, go to the inns on the continent you have spent the most time on. It will be much easier for you to just fly from FP to FP because at each flight path there is most likely an inn you have to visit. Oh! Good news! At inch inn when you get the candy you get XP! So far I have finished my grind from halfway through 46 to about five bars into 47 just by collecting candy. I've gotten anywhere between 2800 and 3000 xp at each inn. I have yet to figure out how to make myself throw up for that achievement. And wouldn't you know my server would do a rolling restart just as I wanted to look up what that achievement actually is! The irony!

My favorite costume, so far, is the Wisp. I tried the Ninja but I hate the human females.

Happy Halloween! Happy tricks and treats!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Patch Day is here!

I started playing well after BC came out so I have never really lived through the horrors of patch days. Gone are the horrible five year downloads and server resets. Now, a new system has been implemented that lets you download in the background a little at a time so you only have about a 10 minute download at the end. That's a simplified version, I know, but that's how I understand it to be. *shrug*

I am a little sad at some of the Warlock changes but they are not too horrible. I haven't paid much attention to the other classes as the Warlock is the one I am concentrating on right now.

Have you SEEN the beautiful login window? GORGEOUS! I am impressed, Blizzard!

I am in love with that dragon. I have heard different rumors about who the dragon is so I will just say that I, personally, have no idea! Do you? What are your opinions? Or do you know TRUFAX?!

I really want a mount that looks like that dragon. If it is possible that is going down on my goals for 80. Speaking of 80 I don't think I will buy the expansion right when it comes out. If I am closer to 70 on my Warlock I might but if not, then I'll wait. Why get something that I can't use right away? I still have all of the old world to explore and push through AND I have Outlands to blast my way around in.

I am refusing to QQ about missing all the BC raids. I missed the original raids so it's not really bothering me that I will have to scratch eyes out to get to see Sunwell and Black Temple. One of my goals at 60 is to see Onyxia and Ragnaros. I'd also love to see The Four Horsemen.

Okay. Enough my ramblings, go read other more informative blogs about the patch!

Monday, October 13, 2008

I'm a nooby booby!

One of the things I have noticed while playing the game is the attitudes of the regular players.

You have to be in THE BEST gear, have the BEST spell rotation, have THE BEST pet/minion, and OMGWTFBBQ THE BEST spec. I have always thought this was a big pile of stinky horse poo. Seriously. But it has merit. You want to be the best because you want to have fun.

I learned this lesson very recently.

I spent an entire weekend getting better gear for my warlock after noticing she would place at the bottom of every DPS chart during instances. And PvP? LOL! Yeah. NOT. COOL. So I farmed Sacrlet Monastery, and power leveled my tailoring a good bit. Suddenly, she was topping mages and paladins and breaking aggro left and right. I started to have so much fun.

Now, breaking aggro annoys tanks and pisses off healers. It's not fun to have three elites wave away the tank and come rushing up to smash your brains in. So I, once again, farmed some more gear and lowered my bonus spell damage a bit. You see, I was only using my DOTs and Drain Life along with my Imp's fire bolt. WHAT was I doing WRONG?

I still don't know. >.>

I still break aggro. Though now I think it's a lot to do with grouping with a warrior tank versus a paladin tank. So I blame them. I'm just an innocent warlock... *whistles*

Even if you don't have the best everything your choice in tanks makes a difference!

Introduction, ahoy!

Welcome to my World of Warcraft Blog!

I don't expect many readers but I thought the idea of a WoW blog was neat. So here I am!

The point of this blog is to share my adventures playing all my alts. My highest toon is a level 45 Blood Elf Warlock who lives on a PvP server. There are SO many blogs about end game content, PvP, and whatnot that I was kind of sad that there weren't many blogs dedicated to just playing. If you have one, let's link!

My toons:
Blood Elf Warlock
Tauren Warrior
Undead Priest
Blood Elf Paladin(female)
Blood Elf Paladin(male)
Troll Mage
Troll Priest
Orc Warlock
Draenei Hunter
Draenei Shaman
Gnome warrior

There are probably those who will roll their eyes and say they have tons more plus ten 70s but I don't care. This is my collection. I actually consolidated them onto three different servers very recently.

I will discuss my favorite dungeons, my favorite classes and races, my ire at the morons on trade and anything else WoW related. I am also an avid Screenshot poster so those will be frequent as well.

I hope to update this at least once a week if not more. So stay linked!