Today my time ran out. I knew it would soon. But today I do not have a game card to type in so I can happily finish my way to 70(I'm three bars from 65). So I am a little bummed and a little aggravated with myself. But RL>WoW and there are bills to be paid, food stuffs to be bought and other things to worry over that have nothing to do with my
I have been talking with my guild mates about raiding for the achievements. I am so addicted to getting as many as I can. I keep hearing different stories about all the raids being 10 or 25 mans now. Does this apply to the classic raids? I keep hearing that Onyxia is a 10 man but then some say it is still a 40 man. my little guild with our few higher levels can pull together a small raid but a ginormous 40 man? Yeah right!
I have to find out more information about this. Fortunately I get most of my answers from WoW Ladies on Livejournal.
Let's see... I have been having issues with all the Death Knights. I hate them. I love them but I hate them. There seems to be a huge amount of dumb Death Knight players. It's really annoying to get into a party and it's full of Death Knights. My little Warlock cannot stay alive entirely by herself, she tries and is generally successful(especially now that I've switched back to Affliction - Soul Link FTW!) but with four idiots running around pulling entire rooms full of elites?. No. And then the Alliance players who do nothing but gank. My body was camped yesterday while trying to complete a quest for Scryer's rep. Thankfully the idiot got bored and went to kill two basilisks while I sat in ghost form. I made sure he was busy, res'd hopped on my new Dreadsteed and ran away. I am really not that fond of Death Knights of either faction right now. Though I do love the starter area for them. Being evil is awesome.
Oh? I didn't talk about getting my Dreadsteed! I was all up for doing the quest despite it being trainable. I had all the easy parts completed I just needed to get into Scholomance and then Dire Maul West. I saved up 150 more gold just to buy all the reusable items myself since I was unable to get a Warlock that actually still has them. I gathered my guildies and an old leveling buddy and we headed off. In the middle of Scholo I realized I forgot my Imp in a Jar. WTF! I panicked, summoned myself and ran to the bank. BUT! I forgot there was a bank in Shattrath where I'm hearthed and ran all the way to Org. It took me one second too long to grab the Imp and click the summon button. I felt stupid. So stupid. And I was SO embarrassed to be such a dummy in front of my guild mates. So I messed up my quest. I messed up the day for my guild mates. Ugh, so horrible. I know we could have regrouped but I was so ashamed I just wanted to log out and forget about playing ever again. I'm a Drama Queen what can I say?
I sat, humiliated and embarrassed in Orgrimmar. I talked to another leveling buddy about what happened and he sympathized. I was totalaly disheartened. But in the end it was all figured out and I ended up just buying my Dreadsteed and canceling my quest. I replaced the Dark Iron a friend donated to me. I am out a couple hundred gold but all is well.
I love my guild leader and my guild mates. They rock. Even if some of them think I'm a complete ditz. :P

This was taken in Undercity because I love it more than any other Capitol. I may play a pretty Blood Elf but my allegiance is the to the Dark Queen and her Forsaken. :) I need to figure out some sort of storyline about that...