I admit I was rather hasty in my decision to make a blog. I didn't really like the name so I changed it. Twice. Now it's "pewpewbang." I am sure there is another blog out there with the title but that's what I'm naming this humble little one. I named it so because I play mainly casters/DPS and thought it appropriate for my game style.
So here we are barely a week in existence and already changing names. I am so impetuous.
Hopefully this name will stick. >.>
My little warlock is now level 48! I have a goal of level 55 before the expansion. I know, lame, but in order to actually succeed in leveling this time around I need to set myself small goals. Level 70 by expansion is overwhelming and would only dishearten me. I'd skip off to another alt in two seconds flat and skip to another and another and never get anywhere. I did that for far too long. I relish in my self-imposed title of Lowbie Queen but I don't want to stay perpetually under 70/80. Besides, I definitely want to roll a Death Knight on my server and I need to have at least one level 55. So there we go. Two birds, one stone.
I had a horrible experience in Sunken Temple the other day. The group started out fine. I was a little leery of the healer because she(I say she because it was a female toon) introduced herself as being a "l33t gamer" and how oh so awesome her gaming skills were. Okay? I don't care let's just get started. We finally do and we roam around killing everything.
We get to the part where we have to click on each statue in order to summon the boss in a certain order. The tank leads us to two statues. After the second one he tells me to stay and the rest to go with him to kill everything else. Uhm, why? He never did give me a real answer. Everyone else was disagreeing with his decision. But by the time they had spoken up they were off somewhere and I was too afraid of running into a group of elites to run after them. Besides, I have a HORRIBLE sense of direction when playing games. I got lot on the maps in the original Halo if that tells you anything.
I notice all the loot they are picking up, I'm not getting the XP NOR any of the drops. I usually pass on greens unless they would benefit me. I'm decked out in blue instance gear and my tailored items, so not much is an upgrade. A pair of green shoulders drop. The healer gets them. I wasn't irritated that the healer got them so much as that I hadn't even had the chance to roll fairly for them. I know she was after upgrade items so I didn't pitch a bitch about it. I was irritated to be ordered to stay behind missing out on rolls, XP and the cash. I know I could have amended the situation by running off to find them despite the fact that I would have gotten lost or found myself very dead. After the shoulders dropped I left party and hearthed. The healer messaged me and I explained why I left, "You guys obviously don't need my DPS so I'm gone. Have fun." She invited me back but saw that I had already hearthed. Oh well.
I would really like to know what the hell was in that tank's mind to leave me behind. I had only broken aggro once the shaman we were with had broken aggro several times. I don't know if that was a motivation or what. I kept the healer alive but pulling aggro off her when she over-healed. I am self-sufficient as a lock with healthstones and lifetap and I have my little bubble PvP trinket if I get into hairy situations. I know to run to the tank if things get out of hand. I may not have a 70 like everyone else but I try not to show my inexperience. I try not to be a twit. But apparently that's not good enough for some.
Better news: I love my guild. We're not particularly active but when we are we're a fun bunch. I hope things get more interesting and active because I'd love to organize runs into the lower dungeons wearing nothing but costumes or weird gear. I like these people. I just wish they would show up/talk more. :P