I am a little sad at some of the Warlock changes but they are not too horrible. I haven't paid much attention to the other classes as the Warlock is the one I am concentrating on right now.
Have you SEEN the beautiful login window? GORGEOUS! I am impressed, Blizzard!
I am in love with that dragon. I have heard different rumors about who the dragon is so I will just say that I, personally, have no idea! Do you? What are your opinions? Or do you know TRUFAX?!
I really want a mount that looks like that dragon. If it is possible that is going down on my goals for 80. Speaking of 80 I don't think I will buy the expansion right when it comes out. If I am closer to 70 on my Warlock I might but if not, then I'll wait. Why get something that I can't use right away? I still have all of the old world to explore and push through AND I have Outlands to blast my way around in.
I am refusing to QQ about missing all the BC raids. I missed the original raids so it's not really bothering me that I will have to scratch eyes out to get to see Sunwell and Black Temple. One of my goals at 60 is to see Onyxia and Ragnaros. I'd also love to see The Four Horsemen.
Okay. Enough my ramblings, go read other more informative blogs about the patch!
Yes, patch days are usually not very fun at all. This one was alright, as a frost mage I've been following some of our changes, most of which seem pretty nifty. These achievement things are driving me nuts now though, I'm running around like crazy trying to get as many as I can.
As for old world dungeon content, that's one of the awesome things about my guild. We're all pretty much dedicated to checking out the old "end game" content before we move on to the new stuff. Will we ever catch up to what is currently end game? I don't know, but we're having fun doing it.
That last comment was actually written by me, Funeral, in case you were wondering =)
Happy Patch Day!
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