I gave Toie a makeover. I was reluctant to change anything about her because I loved the way she looked but the temptation and the Achievement was too strong!
These Achievements are thrilling. I have an excuse to explore every inch of the maps that I possibly can. I always wanted to do so but never had a real reason to follow through. But now I do. Rhymes! So I have been wandering around scared out of my wits of the Alliance territories and running away for dear life at almost every town border. It does not help that I am on a PvP server. :P I think that only adds a sense of excitement to the whole World Explorer Achievement.
I am extremely excited about the runs into the Classic Raids. I am not yet 60 but I hope to be before the expansion so hopefully I will be able to do some. Does anyone else ever have a sense of being TOO far behind? It goes with the whole bouncing from alt to alt to server to server thing. Not that I regret my happy lowbie times but now I'm ready to catch up! It's so hard. And I get so much crap for being a lowbie. Leave us alone, even you started out low at one point. :P

I was able to jump into it as soon as it started on my server. How lucky I am my night off from work was the night this event started! I have been flying from inn to inn trying to finish Tricks and Treats of Eastern Kingdoms. I am extremely upset that I won't be able to finish that side because one of the inns is in Eastern Plaguelands. I suppose I will have to find an escort somewhere. lol Kalimdor is harder for me personally as I haven't spent as much time on that continent.
I suggest, for those who are lowbies like me and don't have many connections or a 70 already, go to the inns on the continent you have spent the most time on. It will be much easier for you to just fly from FP to FP because at each flight path there is most likely an inn you have to visit. Oh! Good news! At inch inn when you get the candy you get XP! So far I have finished my grind from halfway through 46 to about five bars into 47 just by collecting candy. I've gotten anywhere between 2800 and 3000 xp at each inn. I have yet to figure out how to make myself throw up for that achievement. And wouldn't you know my server would do a rolling restart just as I wanted to look up what that achievement actually is! The irony!
My favorite costume, so far, is the Wisp. I tried the Ninja but I hate the human females.
Happy Halloween! Happy tricks and treats!
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